
The Secretary of Infrastructure and Mobility, Isidre Gavín, visited the Lleida-Alguaire airport facilities, accompanied by the CEO of BAA Training, the leading pilot school in Europe that has chosen the installation Lleida as a base training. Gavín highlighted the importance of the arrival of this company because “the airport consolidates as a training, industrial and technological airport to complement its commercial side.”

Lleida-Alguaire Airport will close the winter season 2017-18 with the second best record since 2011. Since last December and until April, more than 26,000 passengers have gone through the Lleida airport, an “exceptionally good” figure, said the Secretary of Infrastructure and Mobility, Ricard Font. This increase has been thanks to the passengers on Neilson’s planes and the new tour operator Quality Travel.

On Saturday, October 21st, the first Adaptation Aviation Day was held at Lleida-Alguaire Airport. The activity was organized thanks to “Vols per a tothom”, “Sillas voladoras” and “TEMYQUE”. The aim...