Emergency drill at Lleida Alguaire Airport during the take-off maneuver of an aircraft
The Lleida – Alguaire Airport has carried out today, in coordination with the General Directorate of Civil Protection (DGPC), an aeronautical emergency drill to check the implementation of its Self-Protection Plan and to test the response times, the coordination and communications of the different operational teams in the management of an emergency.
The exercise consisted of the accident during the take-off maneuver of an aircraft with 25 passengers and four crew members, which took place in agricultural fields near the head of runway 31 of the Lleida-Alguaire airport and the access highway to the facilities.
The control tower, once the accident occurred, activated its Self-Protection Plan (PAU) in a general emergency and asked for external help by alerting the 112 emergency number and the Generalitat Civil Protection CECAT.
As a result of the accident during the drill, 4 people died and 14 were injured in various ways and had to be treated by the medical services. 11 other people have been affected but have not needed medical attention.
The accident also caused a small fire that was quickly extinguished (the airport has some containers to simulate areas of fire and so that the airport firefighters can intervene).
As established by the protocols, the affected room and the family room have been enabled at the airport.